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In Swedish

Checking in

Travellers must check-in in order to obtain a boarding pass for their flight. Checking in is required even if you are only taking a carry-on bag with you. Use the automatic self check-in machines or see someone at the check-in desk.  

Checka in bagage

Different regulations for checking in depending on airline

Different airlines have different rules for how late you may check-in before departure. Please consult your airlines regulations before you travel. You must also be able to identify yourself, so bring legitimate identification or your passport, depending on your destination.

Airlines with self check-in

SAS airlines have self check-in machines located at Sundsvall Timrå Airport where you can check your own baggage. Other check-ins are handled at the check-in desk at the airport.

Read more about self check-in on the SAS homepage External link, opens in new window..